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Hotel bathroom

Popular Hotel Services

Those online reviews can make or break upcoming bookings, and bathrooms remain a strong focus of guest comments. NuFinishPro has a wide variety of services for the hotel bathroom, giving each guest a fresh and pristine experience in the shower and bathtub. With our experience—we have been restoring hotel bathtubs and showers since 1987—we can take care of your updates quickly and professionally, giving your business very little down time between guests. Instead of asking you to invest time and money in remodeling, we inspect the existing fixtures to spot-repair what’s needed. Then we apply a custom color to the surfaces and refinish the tile, bathtub, and shower to make the bathroom look new again. And for your guests’ safety, our services include applying a non-slip solution and chemical cleaning. Ask us what other services are available, too.

Spot Repairs

Wear and tear from frequent guest use is normal in the hotel industry. We see bathtub or shower damage caused by rust, chips, stress cracks, and dullness all the time; but NuFinishPro can spot repair your existing shower or tub with minimal down time, completing all work within a 4-hour turnaround time. After the spot repair is finished, we can even color match the existing coating so that the surface looks perfect. We repair non-plumbing damage as well. Once the work is done there will be no lingering odor, so you are ready for your next guests.

Custom Color Matching

The eye catches those little differences in shading when repairs are made, and that’s why custom color matching is another popular service. We will help you make your fixtures match the color of any other surface in your bathroom. Updating the look of your existing bathtub, shower, or sink is essential for a fresh bathroom look. We can even make your yellowed bathtub coating look white again, or if you like, we’ll change it to a completely different color. We can match any custom color from the Sherwin-Williams paint deck, apply a granite-like finish, or create any other color. All you have to do is provide us with the color code and color name.

Non-Slip Treatment

Your guests’ safety is our priority, too. NuFinishPro can help you reduce the chances of slipping with our non-slip solution. We clean the existing surface, apply the non-slip treatment, and deep clean the surface with a minimal 4-hour curing time. Non-slip solution not only lowers the possibility of an accident—it is also environmentally friendly. And it saves you up to 75% of the cost of replacing the tub or shower!

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